Friday, June 9, 2017

How The Heck Are You? 6/9/2017: I'm Gonna Want This Back

Yesterday I drove the granddaugher back home and spent the evening with my son and daughter-in-law.  Before we left my cabin yesterday, the granddaughter and I did a tour of our favorite spots and said good-bye. Once more, I found myself rushing her through and I don't know why. It was a glorious morning, a perfect morning to take our time and there was no rush to get her home.

There's a country song  with the line, "You're gonna miss this, you're gonna want this back," and I knew that yesterday when once more I urged, "Hurry up, Attie" while she nonchalantly took her time. 

I learned a lesson from my granddaughter this week, most the time there is no reason to rush, I am missing precious moments in my hurry through life. I don't know how much of it I have left, isn't it time to slow down and enjoy each one? It doesn't take a whole lot of soulful contemplation, all it takes is stopping to notice something good or beautiful and saying, "Thank you" to God, or the Universe.

This morning I'm thankful for two healthy grandchildren watching cartoons and their healthy parents who are out running. I looked around the toy strewn bedroom in my cabin yesterday and thought, "It won't be long until there won't be anyone who want's to play with these toys, I'm gonna miss this, I'm gonna want this back.

How the Heck Are You?

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